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Get To Work

Local governments play a critical role in welcoming housing for the people that need it, in the places that make sense, and in the ways that enhance neighborhoods and community.

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Enhance Housing Choice

This area focuses on creating vibrant, walkable communities with a strong sense of place. It includes policies that promote mixed-use development, affordable housing, and community services within walking distances to encourage social interaction and economic diversity. 


Zoning for Mixed-Use Development: Encourage a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational uses in neighborhoods (see Zoning Tools).

Affordable Housing Initiatives: Implement inclusionary zoning, implement zoning reform to increase density in downtowns (see "Inclusionary Zoning" and "Zoning Reform" in Zoning Tools), and create TIF districts for affordable housing projects (see "Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing" in Financing Tools). 

Community Spaces: Develop parks, community gardens, and public squares to enhance community engagement (see "Engage" in GPCOG Planning Services). 

Historic Preservation: Protect and rehabilitate historic buildings and neighborhoods to maintain community heritage and character (see "Adaptive Reuse" in Infrastructure Tools). 

Promote Sustainable Transportation

Aims to reduce reliance on automobiles, lower traffic congestion, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions by supporting alternative modes of transportation and designing streets that are safe for everyone. 


Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): Develop housing and commercial spaces near public transit to encourage its use. 

Complete Streets: Design streets to be safe for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit users.

Bicycle Infrastructure: Build bike lanes, bike-sharing stations, and secure bike parking to promote cycling. 

Parking Policies: Implement demand-responsive parking pricing and reduce minimum parking requirements to discourage car use (see "Reduce or Waive Parking Minimums" in Policy Tools). 


Prioritize Environmental Stewardship

Focuses on policies that protect and conserve natural resources, promote energy efficiency, and prepare communities for the impacts of climate change. 


Green Building Standards: Adopt building codes that require or encourage energy efficiency and the use of sustainable materials. 

Open Space Conservation: Protect natural areas, parks, and agricultural lands from development. 

Urban Tree Canopy: Increase tree planting and protection to improve air quality, provide shade, and reduce storm water runoff. 

Climate Action Plans: Develop strategies to manage the risks of climate change, including sea-level rise, extreme weather, and heatwaves. 

Create an Inclusive, Thriving Economy

Economic development and equity 

policies promote economic opportunities that are accessible to all community members and support local businesses, fostering a robust local economy and reducing inequalities. 


Economic Incentives for Local Businesses: Provide tax incentives, grants, and loans to support small businesses and startups. 

Workforce Housing: Ensure that housing is available near employment centers to reduce commute times and support local economies.


Equitable Development Initiatives: Implement policies that promote racial and economic diversity in neighborhoods and prevent displacement. 

Public-Private Partnerships: Leverage partnerships with private entities to fund and develop projects that benefit the public, such as affordable housing and public infrastructure. 

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